Some Great Ways To Start Your Day

December 6, 2022

Some Great Ways To Start Your Day


The importance of having 7 hours of sleep


Waking up in the morning is always easier after having a peaceful sleep. 7-8 hours of sleep a night are suggested in order to feel refreshed for the next day. Sleep cleans the debris of the mind which has great importance for brain regeneration, and enables our bodies to successfully produce and release protein-building amino acids to help our muscles function and increase strength.  

Many of us only allow enough time in the morning to have a shower, brush our teeth and get changed, but giving ourselves time to naturally wake up will improve our mood and health for the rest of the day.


Healthy morning routine and habits


1. Stretch


During our sleep, we spend a lot of time in the same positions, therefore blood pressure and heart rate decreases and muscles relax. After waking up, stretching in bed is a great way to loosen up your muscles and get the blood flow going. A popular stretch is laying on your back, bringing your left leg up to your hip and stretching it over to the right and the same for the right leg.


2. Make your bed


After stretching, tidy your bedside table and make your bed. This will set a positive attitude, ready to start your morning tasks and make you feel more productive throughout the day.


3. Oil pulling


Oil pulling is an ayurvedic practice of swirling oil in your mouth, usually with coconut oil. This effectively cleanses the mouth from all the bad bacteria, prevents tooth decay and is a great morning practice.


4. Drink a glass of water 


During the day and night, our body loses about 350ml of water. Drinking a glass of water after your hygiene routine will hydrate your body as well as balance the lymphatic system which is essential for a well-functioning immune system. Adding fresh lemon juice to water provides a source of Vitamin C, increases the collagen in our skin and supports a healthy gut.


5. Take a cold shower


Starting the day with a cold shower wakes up our nervous system. Although it may feel too cold at first, your body will adjust to the temperature, improving blood circulation to reduce fatigue and stress levels. 

The benefits are multiple, the most noticeable being the fact that it makes us highly alert by increasing endorphins and adrenaline in the blood level.


6. Enjoy a healthy breakfast


After eight hours of sleep, our first meal breaks the fast. Choosing to eat a healthy, nutritional breakfast improves energy levels and short-term concentration. Starting the day with a smoothie or porridge with toppings is both a healthy and satisfying breakfast. Try adding bananas for fructose sweetness, flax seeds for omega-3 fatty acids and frozen berries for potassium and great taste. You can add whatever you like to smoothies; they’re a great drink to ensure you are starting your day consuming the right nutrients.


7. Meditate


Meditation benefits the mind, body and soul and can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. Morning meditation can be as long or as short as you’d like and it doesn’t need to be in a sitting position. You can simply choose to look at something outside and quiet the monkey mind by focusing on your breathing and the awareness that arises in that present moment. Some days you might be in that moment without any other thoughts 80-90% and sometimes it can be 20%-30%.


8. Journal


Once you have completed your morning routines, you might ask yourself what your primary purpose and aims are for the day. Keeping a journal helps us mentally prioritise certain things that are important and things that aren’t as important that may be causing stress. Writing things down also helps us to reach goals. For example, creating a to-do list gives a sense of accomplishment. When it comes to ticking off each point, we see progress and can appreciate our achievements. Jotting down what you are grateful for and your aspirations can serve to reinforce positive thoughts and look forward to each day as it comes.


One last thing…


Today it is so easy to turn off your alarm and go straight to checking social media, news stories and replying to emails. However, sticking to a morning routine where no screen time is consumed can improve your mood for the rest of the day and help you focus on more important things. When you prioritise mental and physical health and follow sustainable morning habits as a daily routine you will feel more fulfilled and see benefits in your health and wellness.