Better Sleep

May 23, 2022
Constantly feeling run-down, struggling to focus, or feeling irritable for no particular reason? You may need to take a look at your sleeping patterns! While many of us aim to get the golden 8 hours of sleep a night, it often doesn’t happen. Stressful working days, not being able to switch off, too much blue light or caffeine intake can often be amongst the many factors that contribute to this we face in our hectic ‘always on’ lives. In fact, on average, three-quarters of people in the UK get less than 8 hours of sleep a night.
While it can be tempting to rely on caffeine or sugar to give us the much-needed boost to get through the days, every major organ in the body and brain process is optimally enhanced by sleep and detrimentally impaired when we don’t get enough. In fact, the more sleep-deprived you are, the more the body will tell you that you don’t need to sleep – this is a survival mechanism which also slows down your reaction time. Nothing can compensate for the wonders sleep does for us both physically and mentally!
Getting a good night’s sleep is not always going to be something that happens overnight, but through my holistic approach via my health coaching services, we can take a look at which lifestyle factors are affecting your sleep amount and quality. We first will take a deep dive into your lifestyle, habits and current sleep hygiene in order to make progressive steps towards a better night’s sleep. From there, I will help you implement simple but highly effective lifestyle changes, offering you tailored advice that fits around your routine. You will learn how to improve your sleep hygiene and create a structured sleeping pattern that allows you to get the best quality snooze possible! However, it will require commitment, dedication and constant practice from you.
Visit my health coaching page to learn more about the services I offer.